EU Policies Impact to the Transformations of the Higher Education and Research System in Norway and Latvia

       Overall objective of the project is to enhance higher education and research in Latvia and Norway. Project results and future development will contribute to the quality and effectiveness of the leadership and governance in the field of research and higher education in Europe.

     The current EU policy documents call for major changes that higher education and research institutions should undergo to respond to global challenges posed by the new environment at universities and research institutes, including innovations, knowledge-driven development, intellectual property rights, and academic entrepreneurship. The current HEIs do not perform to their capacity. This project is focusing on academic and research environments to make them more efficient by becoming entrepreneurial organizations in terms of leadership and governance, organisational capacity, development in teaching and learning, university – business/external relationships for knowledge exchange as outlined in the Guidelines for Entrepreneurial Universities.

     The project aims at exploring ways how to expand strategic partnerships with national and international stakeholders in order to secure sustainable development of higher educational institutions in line with EU policies. The project would apply the roadmap approach and focus on EU and field related policy documents in Latvia and Norway. The results of the project would be useful for the development of the higher education and research environment in Europe. The project would involve Ph. D. students and thus strengthen the human resource competencies in the area of institutional research. Although the project would focus primary on Latvia and Norway, the results would be useful for other EU countries and it would open up opportunities for further cooperation within the framework of Horizon 2020